Merry Christmas
(troppo vecchio per rispondere)
Bilbo Baggiano
2017-12-22 22:54:25 UTC
_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸ _¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,

We Wish You a Merry Christmas

Good tidings we bring
To you and your kin;
Good tidings for Christmas
And a happy New Year!

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.

Bring us pudding
Bring us pudding
Bring us pudding
And a cup of good cheer

We won't go 'til we get some
We won't go 'til we get some
We won't go until we get some
So bring it out here!

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year
And a happy New Year

We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
We wish you a Merry Christmas
And a happy New Year.
_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸ _¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,
2017-12-24 15:51:55 UTC
"Bilbo Baggiano" ha scritto nel messaggio news:p1k2ff$n5g$***@gioia.aioe.org...

_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸ _¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,

<<We Wish You a Merry Christmas

ma parla come magni!
Bilbo Baggiano
2017-12-24 16:21:28 UTC
Post by Diagonale
ma parla come magni!
Ehi diagonale, cos’è, hai la luna di traverso?


_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸ _¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸_¸,ø*°`°*ø,¸

Silent Night

Si-lent night, ho-ly night, all is calm,__ all Is bright__
Round yon Vir-gin mo-ther and child, Holy in-fant so ten-der and mild,
Sleep in hea-ven-ly peace,__ Sleep in hea-ven-ly peace.

Si-lent night, ho-ly night, Shep-herds quake__ at the sight__
Glo-ries stream__from hea-ven a-far, Heav'n-ly hosts__sing Al-le-lu-ia
Christ, the Sav-ior, is born,__Christ, the Sav-ior, is born.

Silent night, holy night. Son of God, love's pure light__
Ra-diant beams from Thy ho-ly face, With the dawn of re-deem-ing grace,
Je-sus, Lord, at Thy birth,__Je-sus, Lord, at Thy birth.

Si-lent night, holy night, won-drous star, lend thy light__
With the Angels, let us sing__Al-le-lu-ia to our King__
Christ the Sav-ior is here, Je-sus the Sav-ior is here!

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